
Walking has played a significant role in our research and creative process. We are interested in the somatic science of walking and how it stirs the mind and memory. We have found in our own practice that walking generates the “conditions for emergence" that propel meaningful discovery and change, via surprising connections, odd juxtapositions, and nonlinear meandering pathways. We have hosted both forest and urban public walks to activate our Fieldstations, asking participants to explore complexities in the landscape through color, sensory perceptions, memory and time.

We are developing new exploratory walks tuned to specific sites in urban and rural places that study what wild spaces can teach us over time. Our recent focus on urban centers is enabling discoveries that allow us to see how the natural world keeps its stronghold on an urban area, from well-maintained formal gardens, to community/neighborhood farms, to weeds that maintain a presence poking out through cracks in the concrete.